
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

this past saturday

was way too cold. Thursday was around 50 and Friday was in the low 60's. I had checked what the weather was going to be like last monday and when I saw the forecasts for the nice days ahead, my plan was to call in sick or take a personal day for Friday. But it seems that EVERYONE else at my work doesn't schedule their lives in such a way and sent out 3 meeting requests for said Friday.

Don't people check the fucking weather and then decide if they really want to be at work on nice days around here? In southern california, sure, no need to check, its gonna be nice. You can actually sit around inside ALL DAY on a saturday that is 75 outside knowing that it will be like that tomorrow again, no biggie. BUT here in NY, if its nice outside, you gotta take advantage of it.

Instead, Malcolm and I tooled around Brooklyn on Saturday in the freezing temps. Sunset Park, Red Hook, and Gowanus. Then he got back on the train to hang with his girl after his day "at work".


Malcolm said...

HEY! Shhhhhh...she reads your blog..haha.

Chris said...

Looks soo fun! gotta make it out sometime this summer and ride around with ya. Please please please get on your bike and go by 6th street to Hughs shop. I promise you will dig it. If you don't like it we were never really friends anyway.

Nik said...

This confirms the rumours I've heard that you're now a east coast boy. Let's caheeeell.