maybe it was the 'quake...maybe it was the realization that I have had pretty extreme up and down days and have for the past 6 months or so. BUT last night it was back to the shop where I could get some work done and feel good about being productive!
Malcolm's new bike is coming along really well. He has carefully picked the parts that he wanted for the bike and last night it was finishing up the roller and getting his 96" S&S heart into the bike.
After carefully taping off the frame to avoid scratching up his fresh powder coating, the motor went right in (2nd try) and voila. He's on his way.

Last picture shows him sizing everything up. Looks pretty good so far. This new swingarm frame adds around 4 more inches of wheelbase than his old rigid but still looks tiny when you're a 6'4" gigantor.
96 sounds super fun!!!
You've got a beating coming, boxer-boy.
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