upon looking for a decent place to be able to park my bike year round, I happened upon a craigslist ad for a place called machina cycles. they were advertising for either just winter storage (no daily access) or full service rental space which includes your own parking space, 24 hour access to the garage, and full access to the shop area in the back. plus it even has a bathroom and heat. its one subway stop away from our new apartment, or a 20 minute walk, or a 5 minute bicycle ride.
I met up with the shop's owner Euvin Weeber on Sunday to check it out. We talked motorcycles, music, bicycles, design, road trips, etc...I may have found my new shop.
all set up with closed caption cameras just in case and some super high security keys. each person who rents the full service space gets their own key which will open the regular door and the ability to open the full garage door once inside as well.
looks like there will be an open house/grand opening party this saturday, December 4th starting at 3PM. hopefully I'll see you there.
1 comment:
Thats Rad!!
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