Until 2 days ago. Seems like the heat wave we just had in San Diego brings the mockingbirds to their sexual prowess. And what does that mean? Bird shit everywhere? nope. Cock fights? no. Chirping and singing some sort of love song starting at midnight and going on continuously through the night until morning??? YEP.
I found the tree this guy or guys or gals was/were in, but what am I really gonna do? Throw a tennis ball at them? I can't do that, they're birds and they are following the instincts they were born with. I just have to deal with it.
(but the thought of breaking out my b.b. gun to kill a mockingbird did cross my mind.)
Which then reminded me of the time in college when Jon B and I bought ski masks and airsoft guns at the Walmart in Westerly, Rhode Island and while checking out Jon asked where the nearest bank was....you should've seen the old lady's face. oh man, she was freaked.....


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