First 10 minutes in Barcelona. Dustin and I share a moment admiring some great colored Vans for sale in a local shop. (Dustin's foot and shoe [left] appear courtesy of OrangeYoYo).
There's nothing quite like the welcoming greeting of "hola, bienvenidoth a barthelona" that the cab drivers just naturally greet you with when getting on your way to your hotel in this city. now to fully understand this crazy Spanish accent, you must replace all things that make the sound 's' with a TH.
OK, here we go....
There'th nothing quite like the welcoming greeting of "hola, beinvenidoth a barthelona" that the cab driverth jutht naturally greet you with when getting on your way to your hotel in thith thity...
not bad, but you are still a beginner. I challenge you to spend one full day thpeaking with this acthent and you'll see, it really really, i mean really annoyth americanth. WE HATE THITH ACTHENT! But i do love this city. good times as always.
Ok, lastly for this post I want to give you some info....I have met up with some of my great friends (we are staying at the same hotel here in barcelona). Dustin and Carter are great guys and work together doing the art thing at Nixon amongst other amazing projects. Well we've been having a great time from shopping to exploring to partying a bit too hard, we're living it Euro. more to come in the following day or two.
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