after picking up my fresh rebuilt motor with Kim, it was time to start mocking up some options. My vision for this bike started with one direction and took a major leap in a different direction upon acquiring some tins from Chris and a 2-up seat from the 70's.
well, here I explored some different takes on it, but in the end, #3 is where I'm headed because that's what I want to do and I like it. things and ideas change as we progress through all decisions in life, but sometimes, you need to pause and respect your original gut feelings because you made them for a reason.

Since I can't ride at all, this week will be full of 2 things. PACKING for my
big move to New York and making a plan for the journey of the long-term build that this bike will be taking me on. It will stay here in So-Cal for a while so we will need to get as much done as possible when I'm back out here visiting.....